Posts tagged fashion advice
The Last Style of Buckinghamshire

This photoshoot was taken during my last outing in Bourne End before we took the plunge and migrated to west London for the busy city life. 

The two locations really couldn't be more different; Bourne End is peaceful, green and quaint. London, on the other hand, is a dog eat dog world. There's never a dull moment, it's fast-paced, humming with slightly overcrowded streets and allows for no self-doubt. 

Luckily, I manage to find a sense of serenity in bustling environments such as London. Dynamic social settings invigorate me so I've been able to embrace the metropolitan lifestyle without so much as a panic attack. But that's not to say I won't miss the sleepiness of Buckinghamshire. I feel very lucky to have lived in both communities and I'll certainly treasure their experiences for very different reasons.  

Ironically, looking back at this photoshoot it's like I had pulled out my cape to shield any nerves or uncertainty I had as I headed for the big city.

I am Wonder Woman. I am ready. Bring it on.

Cape from 

My favourite picks from this week

You asked, I answered!

I've had some super exciting events lately so I've had to pull together some super exciting outfits. I've had a lot of questions about where I get my outfits from so I wanted to show you some of my favourites from this week.

All images are clickable, have fun! :)

Get the looks ...

First look -

Second look -

Third look - 

The only leggings for Sunday chills

Ok, so I don't only wear them on Sundays.

Leggings are a staple garment in most women's wardrobes. They can be styled up or dressed down to whatever the occasion, and lets be honest, you cant find anything comfier to lounge in ... or so I thought.

I recently became the owner of a pair of Tani leggings and I have now promised myself I will never purchase a pair of leggings anywhere else but here. They are truly have the softest, most luxurious feel than any other material I have ever worn. I can't describe it, they just feel better quality. I am living in them!!

The best thing for me is their affordability for the every day woman. They are certainly no more than your average fashion store, but their quality is beyond higher.

If you live in leggings like me, I highly recommend